
Antibacterial activity of Ocimum teniflorum leaf extracts


Nivetha and Govindarajan


Ocimum teniflorum | Tulsi

Publication Details

Vol: 8; Iss:7; Jul 22 | ISSN: 2454-542


In recent years we need to discover new antimicrobial compounds because of the new diseases. In the present study methanol extract of Ocimum teniflorum was evaluated for antibacterial activity against clinically important bacteria Staphylococcus sp. and Klebsilla sp. under in vitro study. The tulsi leaf extract, along with the controls, was then subjected to microbiological investigation to determine which concentrations of the leaf extract gave a wider inhibition zone.


Nivetha G and Govindarajan B Antibacterial activity of Ocimum teniflorum leaf extracts. Int. J. Current Sci. Res. vol. 8.7 (2022): 2345-2353