
Assessment of Progression of Field Bean Anthracnose by Using Mathematical Tools and Growth Models


Assessment of Progression of Field Bean Anthracnose by Using Mathematical Tools and Growth Models


Narasimha Rao, et al                                             


Anthracnose | AUDPC 

Publication Details

Volume: 6; Issue: 4; Apr-2020 | ISSN: 2454-5422


Mathematical tools and growth models show the dynamics of disease development over time and information obtained can be used to implement the effective cultural and control measures. In the present study lowest progress of per cent disease index (30.46%), area under disease progress curve (1269.50) and rate of infection for logit and gompit (0.47 and 0.18) were recorded in three sprayings of thiophanate methyl. Anthracnose was progressed from 45 to 108 DAS and thereafter declined in fungicidal spray plots. Gompertz model was observed to be the best fitted in assessment of field bean anthracnose severity in comparison to the Logistic model.


S.Narasimha Rao, SL.Bhattiprolu and V.Sekhar “Assessment of Progression of Field Bean Anthracnose by Using Mathematical Tools and Growth Models”
International Journal of Current Science Research (IJCSR) 6.4(2020):  1950-1963.