Effect of BAP/IBA ratio in MS medium on induction of roots from multiple shoots and differentiation study of hardening frequency of cultivated and wild traits of Withania somnifera L.
Effect of BAP/IBA ratio in MS medium on induction of roots from multiple shoots and differentiation study of hardening frequency of cultivated and wild traits of Withania somnifera L.
Naveen Gaurav et al.,
Medicinal plant | pharmaceutical industry
Publication Details
Vol: 2; Iss: 4; Apr 16 | ISSN: 2454-5422
Withania somnifera is an important medicinal plant and utilized by all over the world in pharmaceutical industry or in medicine production. Generally Ashwagandha propagates vegetatively with in its natural or exceptable state, but propagation rate is too slow or too late to meet demands of high quality planting material for the useful commercial cultivation. In the past twenty years in vitro tissue culture technology has been successfully used in commercial settings to produce disease free plants, mass propagation and to conserve and protect endangered plants. This in vitro tissue culture technique is now being used globally for the multiplication of medicinally important plant species and also responsible to produces large numbers of secondary metabolites. In present years, the interests in using these techniques for rapid and large scale propagation of highly valuable medicinally plants have been significantly increases. It is a potent technique for mass multiplication which is known to be efficient for conservation of threatened plant species. After the production of shoots from a culture, they may be cutted off plantlets and rooted or transplanted with auxin and cytokinin to produce which when became mature, can be transferred or to potting soil or hardening in field for the further rapid growth in the greenhouse as normal plants.