Bacterial Plasmid DNA enhances the efficacy of Vaccine and their advantages in Vaccine Development
Bacterial Plasmid DNA enhances the efficacy of Vaccine and their advantages in Vaccine Development
plasmid DNA | vaccine
Publication Details
Volume: 6; Issue: 10; Oct-2020 | ISSN: 2454-5422
Objectives: Many Bacterial components used as immunogen during vaccine development. Plasmid DNA is one among them. It is a short sequence DNA. It always carries one or more genes responsible for useful characteristics. If we use DNA in vaccine development; it has more practical value and is less expensive. It has resistance to temperature extremes, Storage and transport is also easy. DNA vaccines provide long term immunity.
Methods: The plasmid DNA induces humoral antibodies and cell mediated immunity against bacterial pathogens. In our studies proved that naked plasmid DNA and mutant pathogens plasmid DNA acted as good immunogens. The single and double enzyme digested plasmid DNA also produces good immune responses in many cases. The mixer of plasmid DNA of pathogenic bacteria also produces good immunity which helps to prepare. This helps to prepare mixer vaccines.
Results: The mixer vaccines give protection against more than one disease and plasmid DNA companied with antigenic proteins or with other subunit components gives enhanced immunity. It is very much useful to produce good vaccines with least cost with short duration. This is very much suitable to developing countries and it is easy to prepare their own indigenous vaccines against various pathogenic infectious diseases.