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Overview of Metrics that evaluate the impact of Scholarly work


Overview of Metrics that evaluate the impact of Scholarly work


Kuldeep Singh Shekhawat et al.,            


Bibilometrics | Blogging

Publication Details

Vol: 3; Iss: 9; Sep 17 | ISSN: 2454-5422


The life span for any research begins with an idea and ends in a scientific journal which may or may not be cited by researchers. Counting citations is a part of scholarly communication in the scientific world. The easiest technique to use is a citation count, and when applied to articles published in journals, it permits to compare the impact of journals. Use of new techniques in citation analysis has been made possible by the availability of new tools. If one assumes that citations are indicators of importance, then one can use such analyses to determine the most important scholars, publications and even departments. However, most of the researchers are unaware of the various newer tools available which can help their work seen in the scientific community. The ramifications of research may be diverse, wide-ranging, and long-term, and so intrinsically tough to measure. This paper will review some of the metrics that will help fill this lacunae and also provide a gist of various metrics available. In addition newer concepts which are in the experimental phase are also mentioned.


Kuldeep Singh Shekhawat, Shruthi Golai, S.Sakthidevi, Basavaraj Nimbeni and Arunima Chauhan. “Overview of Metrics that evaluate the impact of Scholarly work”. International Journal of Current Science Research (IJCSR) 3.9 (2017):  1364-1377.