Knowledge of accessing the most accessed Bio-medical database – PubMed
Knowledge of accessing the most accessed Bio-medical database – PubMed
Kuldeep Singh Shekhawat et al.,
Publication Details
Vol: 3; Iss: 8; Aug 17 | ISSN: 2454-5422
Background: There is a need for academicians and researchers to keep up with the latest developments. PubMed is a virtual place most commonly accessed by users for biomedical literature. Knowledge in navigating PubMed makes the search easier and relatively more specific.
Aims and objectives: Determine faculty’s knowledge in navigating through PubMed for searching bio-medical literature.
Material and Methods: An 11-item closed ended questionnaire was distributed among the faculties of dental, medical and nursing college. Data was elicited for items related to basic information, about MeSH and other tools used for literature search in PubMed database. In addition, other variables like specialty, area of interest at work, access to computer and internet at work was also collected. The questionnaire was not validated. Data was analyzed for descriptive statistics and frequency distribution.
Results: Response rate was 92 percent. Seventy two percent of the participants had scores < 5. The proportion of correct responses was less than 50 percent for all items in questionnaire. Participation was lowest from the dental faculties. About thirty three percent had accessed PubMed tutorials. Fifty percent of the participants focused into teaching followed by research.
Conclusion: Knowledge of accessing PubMed was found to be unsatisfactory among the participants in present study setting. Nursing faculty had access to other databases also. PubMed was the most accessed database across all disciplines. Given that majority of participants are into teaching followed by research, adequate knowledge to access PubMed for literature search should be acquired.