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Prevalence of white faeces syndrome in Penaeus (Litopenaeus) vannamei farms in Nagapattinam district


Prevalence of white faeces syndrome in Penaeus (Litopenaeus) vannamei farms in Nagapattinam district


Biju | Gunalan


Penaeus vannamei | White Faeces Syndrome

Publication Details

Vol: 2; Iss: 12; Dec 16 | ISSN: 2454-5422


 Pacific white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) is the most extensively farmed crustacean species in the world and in India. P. vannamei aquaculture has been on the raise since 2011 in Tamilnadu, simultaneously, disease incidences in farmed shrimp due to various causes too are on the raise. White Faeces Syndrome (WFS) in shrimp culture ponds has been causing economic loss to the aquaculture industry in Nagapattinam district. In this context, current study was conducted for one crop from March 2015 to June 2015 in shrimp culture ponds from Sirkazhi, Nagapattinam and Vedaranyam divisions of Nagapattinam district to evaluate the prevalence of White faeces syndrome (WFS). With the introduction of P. vannamei, culture practice from traditional form to intensive system has taken place; the complexity of diseases has been equally magnified in Tamil Nadu and all other major culture areas. Among the three selected villages, the maximum prevalence of White Faeces Syndrome (71.75%) was observed from Nagapattinam. It was observed that WFS could be managed by better pond management practices combined with scientific interventions.


V.N.Biju and B. Gunalan. “Prevalence of white faeces syndrome in Penaeus (Litopenaeus) vannamei farms in Nagapattinam district”. International Journal of Current Science Research (IJCSR) 2.12 (2016):  1019-1025.