
Stress Management of Pentagon Garments Employees


Stress Management of Pentagon Garments Employees


Jebasheela and Anupriya


Stress | Pentagon

Publication Details

 Vol: 9; No: 1; Mar 23 | ISSN: 2455-3921


Stress is a natural human response to its environment. Stress will be in part of all life. Because when we adopt one thing or it is difficult to adopt one thing it creates stress. When stress affects employees it creates changes in behavior of persons and also it leads to mental, physical and behavioral changes. In fact, Moderate levels of stress are considered essential motivation. However high levels of stress have the capacity to greatly impact physical and emotional health, not all stress is destructive in nature.


Jebasheela T and Anupriya C “Stress Management of Pentagon Garments Employees” International Journal of Business and Economics Research (IJBER) 9.1 (2023): 1-8 ISSN: 2455-3921.