
Human and Animal Rights Policy

Dr.BGR Publications has formulated policies to make sure protection and appropriate use of animals and human beings in all forms of research. These policies will be applicable to all the Dr.BGR Publications journals.

It is essential for the authors reporting experiments with the involvement of animals and human being to hold to following facets:

  • The authors should include a statement in the “Materials & Methods” part of the paper that they have identified the related institutional and have taken approval from Animal Ethics Committees (AEC) for their experiments.
  • The authors should announce that they have conducted all experiments in accordance with applicable guiding principles and regulations of the committee.
  • If an author performs research involving client-owned animals, he/she must present an acceptance certificate from the client about best practices in animal testing. Field study research on animals must observe guidelines of AEC.
  • The authors involved in research human beings must confirm that informed permission was obtained from all participants / their legal guardians.
  • To make sure that AEC guidelines are followed in the time of animal handling and research.
  • Authors are only responsible for not obeying the AEC guidance.