
Global Interdisciplinary Conference 2K25 - Shaping Future Trends

Pages Publication date ISBN
174 07/02/2025 978-81-981578-3-6
Conference Date 20th & 21st January 2025
Convener Dr. P. Arul Deva Paul

Director & Head, Dept. of Physical Education, NMCC, Marthandam

Organizing Secretary Mr. J. Josemon

Director, SMART, Kanyakumari

Language English
Country of Publication India
Product Form Digital download and Online
Size A4
Access Type Open Access (OA)
Published Details Published Articles – 29
Publisher Dr. BGR Publications



Dr. G.D.Biji, Head, Dept. of Zoology, NMCC, Marthandam.

Dr. C.Isac Sobana Raj, Dept. of Chemistry, NMCC, Marthandam.

Dr. N.Maybel Starlin, Head, Dept. of Botany, NMCC, Marthandam.

Dr. D.Arul Dhas, Dept. of Physics, NMCC, Marthandam.

Dr. S.Alex Jacob, Dept. of Tamil, NMCC, Marthandam.

Dr. T.David, Dept. of Tamil, NMCC, Marthandam.



Theme 1: General Science, Applied Science & Allied Science

Theme 2: Engineering & Technology

Theme 3: Business Management

Theme 4: Commerce/Trade & Economy

Theme 5: Social Sciences & Literature

Theme 6: Education & Physical Education – Allied Sports Sciences

In addition to the suggested themes, we welcome submissions on a broad range of topics within your area of expertise. If your research aligns with emerging trends or niche areas that are not listed, feel free to propose them. We value innovative ideas and diverse perspectives, so don’t hesitate to showcase your specialized knowledge.