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Dr. B.Govindarajan started Dr. BGR Publications to serve people who have a true heart and a clean mind in the educational industry. That’s why we provide global reach with minimal charges. Along the way, our publishing house was indexed internationally. We want to be a part of our clean and green environment. Welcome to the team.

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    Frequently asked questions? (FAQ)

    What is ISBN ?
    The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is an idiosyncratic numerical identifier for books and CD.
    Which category books I can publish here ?
  • Science
  • Technology
  • Philosophy
  • Social Sciences
  • Literature
  • Arts
  • Educational books
  • School / Children’s books
  • Ideology
  • Educational CDs
  • 03
    What is the structure of an ISBN ?
    An ISBN is a 13 digit number containing of 5 portions.
    Costs for obtaining an ISBN from Dr. BGR Publications?
    Currently it is free for members. A member gets a single ISBN per year.
    I am print again a book with a maximum retail price (MRP) changes. Is a new ISBN required ?
    Does a change of author’s name require a new ISBN ?
    Which type documents are required from author ?
  • A letter of requisition for allotment of ISBN
  • Valid photo identity proof