
Analysis of Liquidity position through Cash Deposit Ratio


Analysis of Liquidity position through Cash Deposit Ratio


Robert Edwin Chester


Financial Performance | Liquidity position

Publication Details

Vol:4; No:1;Mar-18 | ISSN: 2455-3921


Accounting ratios are useful indicators to analyse a company’s financial performance and financial situation. All the ratios of the business sectors can be calculated from information provided in the financial statements. Financial ratios are also used to analyze financial positions within the company, within the year, between the years and between the companies. In some cases, ratio analysis can predict future bankruptcy and performance. Here, Cash Deposit Ratios of HSBC are compared to know their Liquidity Position. This study aims at identifying and analyzing liquidity position through Cash Deposit Ratio of Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC).


J.Robert Edwin Chester, Associate Professor and Head, School of Management and Commerce, DMI-St. John, The Baptist University, Rep. of Malawi


J.Robert Edwin Chester “Analysis of Liquidity position through Cash Deposit Ratio”. International Journal of Business and Economics Research (IJBER) 4.1 (2018): 399-403