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Conservation and management practices of medicinal plants of Vindhya Basin, M.P. India.


Conservation and management practices of medicinal plants of Vindhya Basin, M.P. India


Abhishekh Srivastava et al.,


Biological Importance | Agriculture System

Publication Details

Vol: 2; Iss: 4; Apr 16 | ISSN: 2454-5422


 Indian great epics were full of many instances of biological importance and its origin and use from very remote age with the advent of agriculture system from the Vedic period (2000 B.C.- 800 B.C.) for cultivation of various types wild food crops. Several old vocabularies were used to named these plants and also for the use of various part of the plants. Some instances related with morphology involve the facts about the possible internal greater bio-molecules of various plants were studied and given importance to select and cultivate and practicize for the improvement of production through agriculture. Ancient man gathered various experiences through agricultural practices specially through rotation of crop consequently, improve the productivity of the selected wild crops. Including amendment of leaf residue into the soil extend the overall properties consequently growth of the plants increase. Subsequently, increases the over all production of selected crops. Men has classified the important plants for various uses and given proper recognition to production & protection of various useable plants. The medicinal & food important crops plants were collected and studied properly as well as carefully.


Abhishekh Srivastava, A.P.Singh, Naveen Gaurav, Asha Singh and Anil Kumar Singh. “Conservation and management practices of medicinal plants of Vindhya Basin, M.P. India”. International Journal of Current Science Research (IJCSR) 2.4 (2016): 559-566.