Rules & Regulation
- The guest editorial board should be no more than 17 experts, with official information.
- Guest editors responsible for peer-review process for the special issue.
- The guest editor manages the special issue using journal publication ethics, although publisher retains the final decision on the acceptance of papers.
- The timeline for the special issue will be determined by the guest editorial in consultation with the journal team.
- Articles should be prepared according to the Dr. BGR Publications template by the author.
- Plagiarism action done by Dr. BGR Publications team.
- One author cannot appear in more than two papers of a special issue.
- The authors are solely responsible for the contents of the paper. The publishers or editors do not take any responsibility for the same in any manner.
- No hard copy. We support Open Access (OA).
- In general, revised proofs will not be sent
- After releasing the special issue on our official site, correction is not possible.
- If any dispute arises, final decision shall take by publisher.
- I / We agree the rules and regulations of publishing house.