
Hotel Management

Pages Publication date ISBN
99 31/12/2024 978-81-981578-7-4
Author Dr. K.Kohila


Dr. A.Chelladurai

Language English
Country of Publication India
Product Composition Single-component retail product
Product Form Digital download and online
Edition First
MRP Rs. 126
Publisher Dr. BGR Publications
Access Type Closed
Cover design by Dr. A.Chelladurai

About the Book

Hotel management includes supervising all facets of a hotel’s operations, such as marketing, financial planning, employee management, and customer service. The core ideas and procedures of the hospitality sector are covered in this book. The book provides information on a number of hotel administration topics, such as finance, marketing, sales, operations, and human resources. Additionally, it explores the significance of customer service and the use of technology in the hotel sector. The book is appropriate for professionals looking to increase their knowledge and proficiency in the sector as well as students pursuing a degree in hospitality management.

About the Authors

Dr. K.KOHILA is working as an Assistant Professor of Business Administration Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi. Her educational qualification is BBA., M.Com(CA)., M.Phil., Ph.D., SET. She has more than 13 years of teaching Experience in the field of commerce and Management. She has published more than 20 papers in the reputed international journals and one book. She got three proficiency prizes in her educational courses and got many awards related to best paper, MLM preparation, dedicated services award, academic excellence award, young fellow award etc. She is acting an Editorial Board member in the Journal of Business and Economic Development”. She presented more than 50 Papers in National and international conferences.

Mrs. A.N. BHUVANESWARI, is working as an Assistant Professor of Commerce (CA) in the prestigious institution Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi. She has published many articles in various National and International journals and edited book chapters. She has specialized in Direct Tax, Corporate Accounting and Financial Management. She is acting as a programme officer in EXNORA

Dr.A. CHELLA DURAI is the Assistant Professor of Commerce (CA/EC/SF) and M.Com (CA) for Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi. He has more than 10 Years of teaching Experience in the area of commerce and computer Applications. He has published research papers in the reputed journals and published twenty one books. He also completed the Ph.D in Madurai Kamaraj University.