Analysis of saving and investment pattern of Self-Finance College Teachers in Ramanathapuram District of Tamilnadu
Analysis of saving and investment pattern of Self-Finance College Teachers in Ramanathapuram District of Tamilnadu
Annual income | Annual savings
Publication Details
Vol: 2; Iss: 10; Oct 16 | ISSN: 2454-5422
The research study is based on the responses of the respondent’s about the savings and investment pattern among the self- finance college teachers in Ramanathapuram District, Tamilnadu. The study was done on the different self-finance college teachers. The data was collected by distributing a structural questionnaire to 100 self-finance college teachers in different colleges of study area. In spite of low income, the teachers have been saving for the future needs. Majority of the respondents are savings money as bank deposits for the safety of the future. The main avenues of investment are bank deposit and the main purpose of investment is for children education, marriage, and safety after retirement.