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Population study of Phytoplankton in Kullursandhai reservoir with relation to Atmospheric temperature by applying Geographical Information System (GIS).


Population study of Phytoplankton in Kullursandhai reservoir with relation to Atmospheric temperature by applying Geographical Information System (GIS).


Nagarajan | Kannan


Geographical Information System (GIS) | Kullursandhai reservoir

Publication Details

Vol: 2; Iss: 1; Jan 16 | ISSN: 2454-5422


 GIS software application on the physical factor Atmospheric temperature in the four different sampling sites of Kullursandhai reservoir revealed low temperature in the southern part during the Monsoon season, medium in the middle part of the during the Post-monsoon season and higher Atmospheric temperature was experienced during the pre-monsoon and Summer in the sampling site -IV. Diversity indices of phytoplankton was 2.21 in the summer and lowest of 2.01 during the Pre-monsoon season. Therefore it was investigated by GIS that the high temperature in the summer season at sampling site – IV is the apt season favouring the mass diversity of the phytoplankton population in Kullursandhai reservoir.


K.Nagarajan and S.Kannan. “Population study of Phytoplankton in Kullursandhai reservoir with relation to Atmospheric temperature by applying Geographical Information System (GIS)”. International Journal of Current Science Research (IJCSR) 2.1 (2016): 204-211.