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Applied Three-Dimensional Printing Technology in Maxillofacial Surgery-A Short Review


Applied Three-Dimensional Printing Technology in Maxillofacial Surgery-A Short Review


Shobha et al.,                       


3-D printing | Assisted navigation

Publication Details

Vol: 4; Iss: 5; May 18 | ISSN: 2454-5422


Three-dimensional (3D) printing is a process of fabricating a 3D solid object from a digital file. Applications of this innovative manufacturing technology are rapidly increasing in the medical field. This technology certainly could change the paradigm of the medical community. With variety of evidences and reports about the type of manufacturing systems, materials, cost- effectiveness, and also bio-printing used, makes 3D technology a “hot-topic” in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery. From its use to print 3D scaffolds, bone tissue engineering and in cranial reconstruction, the opportunities are endless. This technology soon will bridge the gap by customizing the maxillofacial surgery we practice till date. This review focuses on the advances in three-dimensional printing technology and its growing application in the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.


Dr.E.S.Shobha, Dr.N.T.Prashanth, Dr. Vinod Rangan, Dr.Sourav Sarkar, Dr.G.Nikhila and N.Qaiser. “Applied Three-Dimensional Printing Technology in Maxillofacial Surgery-A Short Review”. International Journal of Current Science Research (IJCSR) 4.5 (2018):  1560-1571