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Bi device unit using wind energy and solar energy during the bike journey


 Bi device unit using wind energy and solar energy during the bike journey


Guru Saran et al.,                      


Wind energy | Solar energy

Publication Details

Vol: 4; Iss: 4; Apr 18 | ISSN: 2454-5422


Wind energy alone can generate 5.8 voltages by the rotation of fan at 60 km/hour to 70 km/hour speed of the bike. Mobile phone got charged at this speed. In the present study, when Solar panel fitted along with the rotor fan to the unit, the bidevice unit with both wind energy and solar energy charged the built-in rechargeable battery by an increased voltage of 6.8 volt at the same bike speed from which the mobile phone can be charged. As a second benefit the voltage produced by the solar panel can be also used for the rotation of Handy fan when switched on. Therefore the present investigation was a worthy one as bidevice unit at cheaper cost.


N.Guru Saran, K.Nagarajan and N.Jeyakumaran. “Bi device unit using wind energy and solar energy during the bike journey”. International Journal of Current Science Research (IJCSR) 4.4 (2018):  1548-1559.