Annual Growth study of Fresh water fishes in Kullursandhai dam with relation to Zooplankton density
Annual Growth study of Fresh water fishes in Kullursandhai dam with relation to Zooplankton density
Nagarajan | Kannan
Zooplankton | Fresh water fishes
Publication Details
Vol: 3; Iss: 2; Feb-17 | ISSN: 2454-5422
Fish culture practice is a dominant activity in Kullursandhai reservoir, the only fish resource for the town people. To promote the fishing practice in fresh water system regular monitoring and systematic approach is necessary. Length and Weight of the four fish species in Kullursandhai reservoir is correlated with the Zooplankton population species diversity. Chi- square test is performed to analyse the scenario of Length and weight of the four fish species. Except the fish species Cirrhinus mrigala, all the three fish species Catla catla, Labeo rohita and Oreochromis mossambicus for the fish length, Chi-square calculated value is lesser than the critical value therefore uniform distribution over a month is accepted. But for the weight of the fish, Chi-square calculated value is greater than the critical value therefore Uniform distribution over a month is rejected. Length and Weight of fish Cirrhinus mrigala showed uniform distribution over the month. This may be due to the constant Zooplankton species Diversity Index value of 2.0 to 2.5. Causative factor for non gaining of weight by the fish species from the month of January to May, 2013 may be due to the declining trend of the Zooplankton species population.